Should You Remortgage to Consolidate Debt?

Navigating the turbulent waters of debt is a familiar journey for many Canadians. From credit card balances to personal loans, the weight of owing money can often feel burdensome. Enter the concept of remortgaging to consolidate debt — an enticing proposition for homeowners. But is it always the right choice? Let’s dive deep into the world of remortgaging for debt consolidation to help you make an informed decision.

1. What Does Remortgaging for Debt Consolidation Mean?

At its core, remortgaging for debt consolidation means refinancing your existing mortgage to obtain a larger one. The extra funds generated from this new mortgage are then utilized to pay off other outstanding debts. This effectively consolidates various debts into a single, monthly mortgage payment.

2. The Advantages of Remortgaging to Consolidate Debt

  • Simplified Payments: Juggling multiple monthly payments for different debts can be overwhelming. By consolidating, you’re narrowing your obligations down to one streamlined monthly payment.
  • Potential Lower Interest Rates: Mortgages often carry lower interest rates than other forms of debt like credit cards. Consolidating can mean paying less interest overall.
  • Improved Cash Flow: By consolidating high-interest debts under a lower interest mortgage, you might reduce your monthly outgoings, freeing up cash for other essentials.

3. The Disadvantages of Remortgaging for Debt Consolidation

  • Long-term Costs Might Increase: While your monthly payments may decrease, the overall interest paid over the extended life of a mortgage might be more. It’s crucial to do the math.
  • Potential for Higher Mortgage Rates: If market rates have risen since your original mortgage, or if your credit situation has deteriorated, you might not get favorable refinancing rates.
  • Loss of Home Equity: Debt consolidation through remortgaging reduces the equity you have in your home, which can affect future borrowing or selling decisions.
  • Securing Unsecured Debt: Remember, by consolidating unsecured debt (like credit cards) into a mortgage, you’re essentially attaching your home to that debt. Failure to keep up with payments could jeopardize your home.

4. Factors to Consider Before Remortgaging for Debt Consolidation

  • Assess Your Debt: Take a hard look at the types and amounts of debt you have. High-interest debts like credit cards might be prime candidates for consolidation, while others with lower interest rates may not make as much sense.
  • Financial Discipline: Once those credit cards are paid off, can you resist the temptation to run them up again? Without a clear budget and spending discipline, you could end up back in the same debt-laden situation.
  • Costs Associated with Remortgaging: Remember, there are fees associated with refinancing. Make sure the overall savings from consolidation outweigh these costs.
  • Speak with a Financial Advisor: Always a wise choice. An expert can guide you through the pros and cons based on your unique financial situation.

5. Alternatives to Remortgaging for Debt Consolidation

  • Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC): This allows you to borrow against the equity in your home at a variable interest rate. While it’s a flexible option, rates can fluctuate.
  • Balance Transfer Credit Cards: Some credit cards offer low or even 0% interest on balance transfers for a limited time. This can be a temporary solution, but watch out for high rates once the promotional period ends.
  • Personal Loans: These can be used to consolidate debt and usually offer fixed interest rates and fixed repayment terms.

6. In Conclusion

Remortgaging to consolidate debt is a decision that should be made with a clear understanding of both its benefits and pitfalls. While it can offer a lifeline for those drowning in high-interest debts, it’s not without risks.

Before making any decision, it’s essential to understand your financial health, the nature of your debts, and your long-term financial goals. And, as always, consulting with a trusted financial advisor or mortgage specialist can provide clarity tailored to your specific situation.

7. Preparing to Remortgage: Tips for Canadians

If you’ve weighed the pros and cons and decided that remortgaging is right for you, here are some steps to help you prepare:

  • Check Your Credit Score: Before embarking on the remortgaging journey, know where you stand with your credit. A strong credit score can position you for better mortgage rates. If there are discrepancies in your report, address them first.
  • Research the Market: Just as you did when you first got your mortgage, it’s important to research and compare the current rates available in the market. Different lenders might offer varying terms, so it’s worth shopping around.
  • Evaluate Home Equity: Determine how much equity you have in your home. This will influence the amount you can borrow and the terms of the loan.
  • Consider the Term Length: When consolidating debt, you might be tempted to stretch the mortgage over a longer period for smaller monthly payments. However, remember that this might mean paying more interest in the long run.
  • Seek Expert Counsel: Consulting with a mortgage broker can be invaluable. They can offer insights into the best available deals, potentially saving you thousands over the life of your loan.

8. The Future: After Remortgaging

Once you’ve successfully remortgaged to consolidate debt, it’s not the end of the journey. Here’s what you should focus on next:

  • Stick to a Budget: You’ve taken a significant step to manage your debt. Ensure you don’t slide back into old habits. Regularly review your spending habits and adjust your budget as needed.
  • Monitor Mortgage Rates: Even after you remortgage, keep an eye on the market. Rates change, and there might be opportunities to refinance again in the future, especially if rates drop.
  • Build an Emergency Fund: With potentially reduced monthly expenses, consider diverting some savings into an emergency fund. This can prevent you from turning to credit cards or loans in unexpected situations.
  • Consider Overpayments: If your remortgaged deal allows, consider making overpayments. This can reduce the total amount of interest you’ll pay over the life of the loan.

9. Final Thoughts

Debt consolidation through remortgaging is a significant financial strategy that can simplify your financial landscape and potentially save you money. However, as with any financial decision, it comes with its unique set of challenges and considerations.

At, our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and resources to navigate these decisions confidently. Whether it’s tools to calculate potential savings, articles to enhance your financial literacy, or connecting you with experts in the field, we’re committed to supporting Canadians on their financial journey.

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